Thursday, October 19, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy

format (noun): the shape and size of something, the arrangement of something
The format of this class will be half lecture and half class participation.
formulate (verb): to prepare from a set of steps (formula), to devise
The chemist formulated a new way of making dish detergent.
fracture (verb, noun): to break, to crack; a broken bone
Miguel fractured arm his while skiing.
fragment (noun): a piece broken off, a part of something
It bothers me that I can remember only a fragment of the poem rather than the whole piece.
frail (adjective): easily broken, not strong
Be careful! That chair is frail
generally (adverb): in a general manner, usually, with regard to the whole not specifics
Generally, Lance leaves work at 5:00 p.m.
gingerly (adverb, adjective): careful
Paulette picked up the antique vase gingerly and placed it on the shelf.
indigenous (adjective): native, having been born in a specific area or environment
The tomato plant is indigenous to South America.
geography (noun): a science that describes the earth's surface
The geography of New York varies from the sandy shores to rocky mountains.
categorize (verb): to place things in classes or sets, to classify
The professor asked her students to categorize the plants they found.
grade (noun): a stage in a process, a mark indicating quality
Ali hopes to receive a passing grade on his midterm exam.
progress (verb, noun): to move forward; forward movement
Mina progressed to the next level in her French language program.
There hasn't been much progress made in getting the house built -- only the frame is up.
degree (noun): a step or stage in a process, a rank, a level of intensity
There is a high degree of stress associated with being a police officer.

1)What ‘R’ is to occur again? Recur / Repeat
2)What ‘C’ is an offender or guilty party? Culprit
3)What ‘E’ is an apt and fluent use of a language? Eloquence
4)What ‘I’ is lack of balance? Imbalance
5)What ‘N’ is a person of less intelligence? Nitwit
6)What ‘R’ is an involuntary response to nerve stimulation? Reflex
7)What ‘W’ is the state of lacking something? Want
8)What ‘D’ is someone’s bearing or outward behavior? Demeanor
9)What ‘K’ is a vessel for boiling water? Kettle
10)What ‘V’ is a place where a gathering takes place? Venue
11)What ‘U’ is unprepared to make concessions? Uncompromising
12)What ‘A’ is to reach a destination? Arrive
13)What ‘I’ is to call into question or accuse of a crime? Impeach  
14)What ‘D’ is to determine from symptoms the nature of a disease?Diagnose
15)What ‘P’ is unmixed or undefiled? Pure

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