Wednesday, August 16, 2023

How To Choose The Correct Frame According To Your Face Shape


You might have seen that some eyeglasses seem great on one person but isn’t quite flattering on your own face. This is because each frame is designed for a specific face shape and doesn’t suit everybody. If you are not sure what kind of a frame is perfect for your face shape, then here is a guide to choose the correct frame according to your face.

What Is Your Face Shape?

The first and the foremost step is to identify what is your face shape. For this, you need to pull your hair away from your face and look directly into the mirror. Take a close look at the shape your face and contours of your face and head.

Now that you know about the shape of your face, find out the frame according that will suit you perfectly.

Oval : An oval face shape is considered to be the ideal one. This is because of its balanced proportions. In order to maintain the natural balance of this perfect face shape, you need to find yourself the glasses that are as wide as the broadest part of your face. The best choice for you are the walnut shaped frames that are neither too deep nor too narrow.

Heart Shape : Also known as the base-up triangle face shape, this face shape has a wide top third and a bottom narrow third. You should choose frames that are wider at the bottom in order to hide the width of the top of the face. Some good choices are thin, light-coloured frames and rimless frames that have a light and airy appearance.

Oblong : This face shape is longer than it is wide and has a long, straight cheek line. In order to make an oblong face appear shorter and more balanced, you should try the frames that have more depth than width. Also, you can add width to the face by using frames with decorative or contrasting temples.

Square Face Shape : Square face shape has a broad forehead and a strong jaw. The length and the width of the face is almost of the similar proportions. In order make your face look longer and to to soften its angles, you should go for narrow frames that have more width.

Diamond Face Shape : Diamond face shape is narrow at the forehead and jawline. And cheekbones are broad that may be high and dramatic. This face shape is quite rare. Go for frames that have detailing or distinctive brow lines in order to highlight the eyes and soften the cheekbones. Also, good choices are rimless eyeglasses and frames with oval or cat-eye shapes. (right sunglasses frame for your face)

Round : This face shape has curve line with no angles where the width and length is in the same proportion. Try angular frames to lengthen the face and make your face appear to be thinner and longer. You can also go for frames with a rectangular frames and a clear bridge.

Base Down Triangle : This face shape has a narrow forehead and widens at the cheek and chin area. Go for heavily accented frames (frames to make the nose look smaller) that have detailing on the top half to add width and emphasize the narrow upper third of the face. Also, you can go for cat-eye shaped frames.

Bhavishya Bir 


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