Sunday, July 23, 2017

Visualizing America's Wealth Inequality - Considering Baltimore

Earlier this year, JPM’s Racial Wealth Divide Initiative desk released an interesting report titled “The Racial Wealth Divide in Baltimore”. The report highlights the ever so growing wealth inequality that is spreading throughout America’s inner cities, and takes a dive into Baltimore City, Maryland.

If you’ve ever been to Baltimore City, Maryland, there are benches across the entire town that read ‘the greatest city in America’. This is a half truth, because at one point this was true, but not so much today with population hitting a 100-year low according to latest data from the U.S. Census.

Decades of deindustrialization and 50-years of democrat controlled leadership has certainly contributed to Baltimore’s demise. Think of Baltimore as a Hunger Game Society with the ‘Capital’ being the water front and the ‘Districts’ the so called ghettos. The ‘Capital’ is ever-so expanding, but the ‘Districts’ or the ghettos are shrinking. There are nearly 46,800 vacant row homes in the ghettos, 
where the homicide rate is 2x of Chicago’s…

In JPM’s report, Baltimore’s population is 63% black, 28% white, and 9% other. The median income for a white household is nearly 2x the income of the average black household. Unemployment is nearly 3x higher for the ‘race of worker of color’ with nearly 1/3 having a net worth of zero.

The housing segregation between blacks and whites is visible...

The black population of Baltimore City, Maryland has absolutely been destroyed by 50-years of Democrat controlled leadership.

As Baltimore shrinks, the inverse of vacant structures expands with an interesting correlation of higher homicides.

What I’m about to show you is a unique visualization of America’s wealth inequality through an aerial experience of Baltimore City, Maryland.

In retrospect to distance, 5280 feet is all that divides the poorest and richest of American.

The more we ignore our inner cities the longer it will take to find solutions.

The sad truth is there are no solutions today, because we wouldn’t be having this conversation. The storm is here and it’s going to get a-lot worse for America’s inner cities before it gets better.

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Item Reviewed: Visualizing America's Wealth Inequality - Considering Baltimore Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE