Sunday, August 20, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy

Excise             Tax charged on certain goods
Exodus           A mass departure of people
Exorcist           Drive out from a person or place (Evil spirit)
Expatiate        Speak at ,write at length or in detail about
Expectorate    Cough  or spit out from the throat or lung
Expedient       Necessary to achieve something though not always right or fair.
Expound         Present or explain systematically
Expunge         Remove completely
Extant              Still in existence
Extol                Praise enthusiastically
Extradite         Handover accused to legal authorities of that state
Extricate          Free from a difficulty
Extrinsic          Not essential
Exuberant      Lively and cheerful
Flagrant          Very obvious and unashamed

its, it's--The possessive form of "it" is its. Its is a possessive like his, her, your.
Its value cannot be measured.      The contraction of "it is" is it's.
It's normal for a contraction to require an apostrophe.
kudos--This word is taken from Greek and means "glory," "renown," "praise," and "approval." The final s in kudos is not the sign of a plural; there is no such thing as a kudo.
The diplomat received kudos for her role in bringing about peace.
lay, lie--Lay (lay, laid, laid, laying) means "to put" or "to place." This verb requires a direct object to complete its meaning.
Please lay the boxes on the pallets with extreme care. I laid the message right on your desk. I had laid two other notes there yesterday. He is always laying the blame on his assistants.
Lie (lie, lay, lain, lying) means "to recline, rest, or stay" or "to take a position of rest." It refers to a person or thing as either assuming or being in a reclining position. This verb cannot take an object.
Now he lies in bed most of the day.
The mountains lay before us as we proceeded west. This letter has lain unanswered for two weeks. Today's mail is lying on the receptionist's desk.

saddled with debt- burdened with debt
Our sister company is saddled with a great amount of debt and should be sold as soon as possible.
Sell like hotcakes- sell very quickly
The children's toys were selling like hotcakes at the end of the year.
Sell out- sell all of a product
Every year at least one company sells out all of their products which frustrates many customers.
Sweetheart deal- a deal made between friends so that both may make a big profit
We were able to make a sweetheart deal with our landlord and got the rent greatly reduced.
Take a nosedive- collapse, fail, decrease in value
The stock market took a nosedive when the earnings of the oil company began to weaken.

1)You have the power to go any distance into the future and, after one year, return to the present with any knowledge you have gained from your experience but with no physical objects. Would you make the journey if it carried a 50 percent risk?
2)Given a choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as your dinner guest? As your close friend?
3)If you could choose the manner of your death, what would it be?
4)Do you have any specific long term goals? What is one and how do you plan on reaching it?
5)For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

1)Fan : Air  ::  Stove : (cook            heat    kerosene       boil)
2)Heavy : Light         ::  Smooth : (hard      frail     dark    rough)
3)Cub : Lioness  ::  Bunny : (kangaroo    eel       rabbit     horse)
4)Metal :Conduction::Plastic:(industry insulation inflammation  petrochemical)
5)Court : Lawyers :: Hospitals :(doctors    patients          nurses            beds)
6)Wine : Grapes :: Vodka : (Potato            orange           apple              rye)
7)candle : Wax  ::  Paper : (pulp    wood  bamboo          tree)
8)Stars : Telescope :: Blood cells : (lens     blood     camera       microscope)
9)Black : Sheep  ::  Blue : (star      clouds                        moon              sky)
10)Atoms : Matter :: Nuclear Particles : (protons    dust   energy           electrons)   

1)We were so late, we ___________had time to catch the train.
a)nearly         b)almost         c)simply         d)not               e)hardly                      
2)Roger’s shirt has a pattern of boats all __________ it.
a)on                b)over            c)down           d)round          e)with
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Item Reviewed: Learn, Relax and Enjoy Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE