Friday, June 4, 2021

Must Read Four Mind Power Books


There are four books that changed my understanding of the way we think, and what motivates our success. These four books showed me how so many of our actions are rooted in subconscious thoughts and how understanding this fact can drive accomplishment.

Throughout my career, I have maintained one objective: to help young people--particularly those at risk--to achieve financial independence, stability and ultimately success.

In addition to the business skills and tools that programs like NFTE provide, I think young people can realize their success by understanding the power of their own minds and the importance of remaining resolute in your work.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The first one is The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy, written in 1963. Murphy outlines the extent to which behavior is a direct result of the subconscious mind; in other words, you act based on the thoughts deep in your subconscious. The text offers methods to extract and focus these thoughts so that all of your internal focus is directed toward a common energy.

Think and Grow Rich

The second book is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, written in 1937. Famously, in the book Hill uses extensive information gathered from countless interviews with successful men; he then translates that into laws for success--not just financial but the completion of whatever objective you choose.

Incredibly, what Hill found was the power of subconscious thought. For me, the key pages are 25 to 32, which describe how Napoleon's own son started a business on his own. Hill traces exactly how the subconscious mind fixates on success in order to grow a business and a fortune. Much of my own work with NFTE has been based on this section--since I hope at-risk youth too can use this knowledge to overcome their own economic barriers. If a young person knows what they want, they can harness that knowledge to achieve their goals.

Maximum Achievement

The third one is Brian Tracy's magnificent book, Maximum Achievement. Tracy elaborates on the ways that the subconscious mind determines action or inaction in our lives. He stresses his own key to success: the importance of establishing clear goals through positive thought. He uses realistic examples pertaining to sales and business to show readers how understanding positive outcomes can help you achieve them.

The Universe In A Single Atom

Finally, all young people should understand the concepts discussed in John Bell's seminal 1964 paper entitled "On the Einstein Polensky Rosen paradox." John Bell, one of the greatest physicists of all time, gave one lecture in 1990 explaining his theorem, which has since been validated in most laboratories around the world, and was actually one of the Dalai Lama's arguments in his book The Universe in a Single Atom. He argues that everything is physically interconnected--in other words, a particle is infinitely entangled to another after just one interaction, even if they are light-years apart. I see this as the physical manifestation of the earlier ideas--that ideas are interconnected and that these thoughts are what drives both individuals and nations, to people, and perhaps, the universe as well.

What I learned from these books, and what I can say now with more perspective on my career, is that we should remain hungry to uncover the thoughts and genius of our own minds. Could it be that the entrepreneur is the master of this? Perhaps he or she is more adept at accessing their subconscious minds? And, perhaps, this allows the entrepreneur to break goods and services onto a market?

Every young person should be taught about the power of their own minds in motivating and realizing success. I know now that business genius comes not just from the great entrepreneurs and corporate leaders, but also perhaps from quantum physics!

By Steve Mariotti / Source: Huffington Post


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