Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy

man: hand, make, do          Latin, manus: hand             manage (verb): to handle with skill, to be able to do
mem: recall, remember Latin, memor: mindful    memory (noun): the ability to recall or to bring to mind
ment: mind                            Latin, mens: mind                mental (adjective): related to the mind
min: little, small                     Latin, minuere: to lessen    minor (adjective): less important, lesser
mit, miss: send                      Latin, mittere: put, send      admit (verb): to accept, to allow entry
mob, mov, mot: move           Latin, movere: move            motion (noun): act of moving, action 

Connectives and Contrastives
1 - He took his gloves as it was very cold outside
'As' is similar in meaning to 'and'              'As' is similar in meaning to 'because'
2 - Since she was the best worker she was promoted quickly
'Since' is a time reference marking the time she has worked there
'Since' introduces the reason for her promotion, linking reason and result
3 - He worked very hard for the test. However, he still failed
The speaker is a bit surprised that the person failed
The speaker is not surprised at all that the person failed
4 - He wouldn't drive slower despite the thick fog
The speaker thinks that the other person's driving was logical in the conditions
The speaker thinks that the other person's driving was illogical in the conditions
5 - She insisted on going for a walk in spite of the weather
The decision seems illogical
The decision seems perfectly logical
6 - Since he could speak several languages he found a job without too much difficulty
'Since' is similar in meaning to 'because'
'Since' is similar in meaning to 'but'
7 - Although it was freezing, he went out in a T-shirt
The speaker thinks that this is logical behaviour  
The speaker thinks that this is not normal
8 - In spite of the problems, we managed to finish it on time
The speaker did not expect to finish on time
The speaker expected to finish on time
9 - Despite the police, the demonstration went ahead
The police tried to stop the demonstration
The police did not try to stop the demonstration
10 - Even though he had not done any work, he still got the best mark
The speaker thinks that this is logical                  
The speaker thinks that this is not logical
11 - It was easy as we had all the instructions     
  'As' means 'when'                        'As' means 'because'

Discussion -THE SUPERNATURAL      
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you know any ghost stories? Tell us one!
Do you know anyone who has ever seen a U.F.O.?
Do you believe in aliens?
What do you think of "psychics"?
Have you ever had your palm read by a fortune teller?
Can you read palms?
Do you believe in premonitions?
Do you believe in life after death?
What do you know about Halloween?
Do you believe in the power of crystals

What has four legs, barks and wags its tail?                                                              Dog
This is a precious stone often found in expensive rings.                                        Diamond
If you have twelve eggs or twelve loaves of bread, then you have a                    Dozen
When someone has too much alcohol to drink, they are                                        Drunk
Somebody who can't hear is said to be                                                                      Deaf
If you have a toothache you might want to visit a                                                     Dentist
This kind of book is used to find the meanings & spellings of words                   Dictionary
Ice cream, sponge pudding, apple pie and cake are all kinds of                           Desserts
Someone who wants to lose weight or has a health problem goes on a             Diet
Ten years equals a                                                                                                 Decade

/i:/ -- meat, least, bee, beat              Steve keeps the cheese in the freezer
/e/ -- men, head, met, set                            It’s best to rest, said the vet to the pet
/É™/ -- away, banana, woman, sugar          I ate an apple and a banana in a cinema in Canada
/I/ -- orange, cabbage                                  Alex’s lettuces tasted like cabbages   
/f/ -- few, leaf, free, coffee                           Frank found four frogs laughing on the floor
/v/ -- very, vest, vet, van                               Vera drove to Venice in a van
/g/ -- gate, bag, good, log                            Grandma gave the guests eggs and frog’s legs
/k/ -- cap, docks, mixed, quarter                 The king cooked the carrots and the queen cut the cake
/h/ -- hold, heart, horse, heat                      Harry had a habit of helping hitch-hikers
/w/ -- west, aware, would, win                    Wendy went away twice a week

Joke : A teacher said, "Mary, I'd like you to give me a   sentence beginning with "I", please."
Mary thought for a few seconds and then said, "I is..."
The teacher interrupted her and said, "No Mary, you cannot begin a sentence with "I is" - you
must use "I am". Mary looked upset and said, "But Miss..."
The teacher shouted, "Give me a sentence beginning with "I am", please."
Mary shrugged her shoulders and said, "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."

Spelling test
1)the percieved  cost                 the perceeved cost              the perceived cost
2)the principal of gravity           the principle of gravity      the prinsipal of gravity
3)not neccessarily so                not necessarily so             not neciessarily so
4)indispensiable                        indespensable                     indispensable
5)It's their problem                   It's there problem                  It's they're problem

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Item Reviewed: Learn, Relax and Enjoy Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE