Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Here are the three things that rich people do differently. These are the top three habits I came across when researching the habits and routines of some of the wealthiest individuals in the world. The eight richest people in the world have as much money as the poorest half of the world population. Rather than becoming frustrated by this, you should do what they do to become rich.

The first thing rich people do differently is setting goals. Successful people set tangible goals with a timeline. They have daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. This holds them accountable and keeps them on track. Rich people are also known for maintaining a daily to do list. This is a great habit. 

The second thing rich people do differently is their media consumption. Rich people do not waste time-consuming junk television. This is not due to superiority, they are simply too busy doing something else. Rich people are constantly educating themselves, so their media consumption is focused on things that help them become more successful. Successful people hate distractions, and television is a huge distraction. 

The third thing rich people do differently is reading. Rich people read a lot of books. In fact, Warren Buffett recommends reading 500 pages a day! He is known for reading 600 to 1000 pages every single day. The average CEO reads 60 books a year while the average employee reads 1. Follow the habits of the CEO to become the CEO. 
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