Tuesday, August 1, 2017

When marketing takes it to the streets: 10 amazing campaigns

Many ads in urban environments make it harder and harder to stand out in the crowd for advertisers. Nowadays you need to show some extra creativity if you want to get noticed like the following brands did.

1. The IKEA bus stop

This French campaign for IKEA takes over a bus stop, and improves it, making the point that IKEA can improve your daily life.

2. IWC Schaffhausen bus campaign

The luxury Swiss watch brand gives you taste of its watches while riding the bus. A good way to let people know that it will look good on them if they can afford it.

3. Giant Mars truck ad

A truck covered with an open Mars that gives you a preview of the delicious stuff that’s inside the truck, the perfect rolling advertisement.

4. Simpsons movie ad

My personal favorite in this list. This advertisement at the bottom of an elevator appeared at the time of the Simpsons movie release. An amazing way to take advantage of the surroundings.

5. The KitKat bench

The bench that will make you hungry. This bench looked too much like a chocolate bar, KitKat had to get it dressed properly.

6. Sprite shower

A real Sprite shower would probably the most sticky thing ever, but as a marketing stunt, it’s pretty cool. The execution is pretty good as well, and everyone gets free refills, so that’s pretty cool.

7. Law & Order billboard

A really spectacular billboard that takes advantage of lightning. The hand popping out and the light really give some depth to the billboard, not even mentioning how cool the idea is at first.

8. The Nike bench

If you are an old or disabled person that would like to rest a little, now you know that Nike doesn’t give a sh*t about you because you won’t buy their shoes anyway. The ad is still clever though…

9. Durex XXL

A visual hint that shows the difference between Durex XXL users and the others.

10. Superman elevator

A cool setup that was installed when the Superman movie came out.

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Item Reviewed: When marketing takes it to the streets: 10 amazing campaigns Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE