Wednesday, August 4, 2021

How The Colour Of A Room Can Affect Your Mood

You must have noticed that some rooms just lift up your mood but others just make you anxious. Well, not entirely understood but there is actually a science behind it. There is definitely a connection between colours and our mood. So, here is a guide to choose the best colours for your room for a greater impact on your mood.

Neutral Colours

Neutral colours such as black, white, brown and grey are the best options. These may not always be in trend but are the most flexible colours as they can be paired up with any bright colour and will look amazing at all times.

As these colours are neutral, therefore, they don’t have much of an impact on our mood. However, don’t overuse black, instead just use it as an accent to add depth to your settings.


The purple colour will make your place look rich, classy and sophisticated. This wonderful colour is known to give your room a luxurious feel all the while adding depth to your décor. You can use the lighter shades of this hue for your room as it will create a relaxing effect on your senses.


Green is the perfect colour as it not only feels good to the eyes but it can also cheer us up. Green creates a feeling of comfort and togetherness, thus, making it a great option for the family room. Also, it can be great for the kitchen as it helps to make you feel relaxed. Also, this colour helps with fertility, making it a great option for the bedroom.


Yellow, the colour of sunshine is often connected with happiness. This amazing colour is an excellent choice for the dining room, kitchen and bathroom as it can instantly uplift our spirits as well as fill us up with energy.

Although, this colour is associated with cheerfulness but it shouldn’t be used as the main colour scheme of the house as it might make people lose their temper as well as leave them frustrated and angry more often. Also, babies tend to cry a lot in yellow rooms, therefore, keep it away from your child’s room.


Everybody knows that blue is a colour that is relaxing and calming. Also, it is great for your health as it brings down your blood pressure and slows down your heart rate. Therefore, this is a great choice for bedrooms as well as bathrooms as these places are for relaxation.

Soft and warm shades of blue are known to be relaxing, therefore you can use them in the living room, kitchen and other social areas of the room. On the other hand, dark blue tends to make you sad, therefore, shouldn’t be the main colour of your place.


Red is definitely not a great colour for bedrooms but it is an excellent choice for the living room and dining area. This is because it is known to be an intense colour, therefore, pumps up the adrenaline in our system, increases blood pressure and heart rate, raises the energy levels of the room and stirs up excitement within us. Thus, it brings people together and inspires conversation.

Bhavishya Bir, HerZindagi.


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