Monday, August 2, 2021

How much water should you drink in a day?


Do you drink enough water per day?

This question is asked very often. And the answer is simpler than it seems.

Our bodies will tell us the amount, first off, don’t obsess too much about it. Our body is wise and it will ask us for water when we need it.

We are animals, and thirst is an instinct

Unless we suffer from some disorder or we are in extreme conditions (crossing the desert, for example), the sensation of thirst will indicate to us that it is time to drink water. This will be enough of an indication for our organism. Human beings are, after all, animals just like the rest of the species. They respond to their instincts.

But how much is the right amount of water?

However, if you want to measure the right amount of water to drink, it would be about 1 or 2 liters per day. The exact amount depends on the physical constitution of the person. In terms of glasses, you’d have to think about 4 to 8 glasses of water per day.

Do we naturally drink between 1 and 2 litres a day?

Yes, between 1 and 2 litres of water a day is what a human being usually ingests instinctively. Even when you are not measuring it with a bottle.

Do you lose weight by drinking water?

One of the most recurring myths is that forcing us to drink a lot of water a day helps us lose weight. Drinking liquid more frequently may relieve anxiety for those on a strict (and perhaps inadequate) diet, but in general, experts say that drinking water is simply drinking water. And that it’s healthy in just the right amount.

Do we only hydrate by drinking water?

No. Actually, 20% of our liquid intake doesn’t come from water. Fruit can provide part of the water we consume daily. Through fruit we can get hydrated. In this and other similar foods we would get that 20% of water that we do not drink directly. But keep in mind that the sugar content of juices is high. They should not replace water too much.

Drinking water after exercise

Obviously, it is important to hydrate after exercise. The body will ask for an extra ration of water after intense activity.

If you sweat a lot, you need more water

Another situation in which you have to increase your water intake is when you’re in a situation with high temperatures and you sweat more than usual. But again, keep calm. Your body is going to demand the water that it is eliminating by an immediate sensation of thirst. Once that happens, try to drink water right away to avoid dehydration.

Always have water at your disposal

In any case, it is recommended to have water at your disposal at all times. It can always happen that, for one reason or another, you find it hard to get a hold of water to hydrate your body. Therefore, it is good to bring your own bottle. For a sustainable world, make sure it is the same, refilled bottle every time.

No plastic!

For ecological reasons, it is better not to use plastic bottled water. If you do, try to reuse the plastic bottle and throw it in a container for plastic waste once you stop using it.

Hydrate from the outside as well

Apart from drinking, it is good to hydrate yourself on the outside with crème: your skin will thank you.

Water is life

Anyhow, drink water reasonably. Water is life. And, in many places (more and more), it is a scarce good. Don’t waste it.

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