Friday, October 6, 2023

what does this saying mean " If wishes were horses, beggars would ride".


The saying "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride" is a proverbial expression that conveys the idea that simply wishing for something to happen or for a situation to change is not enough to make it a reality. In other words, having wishes or desires alone does not bring about the desired outcome; action and effort are often required to achieve one's goals.


Imagine a person who dreams of becoming a successful author but has not taken any steps to write a book or improve their writing skills. They may daydream and wish for fame and fortune as an author, but unless they actually start writing, learn the craft, and work hard to get their work published, their wishes will remain unfulfilled.

In this context, the saying "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride" would mean that simply having the wish to become an author, without putting in the necessary effort and action, is like hoping that wishes alone could magically transport someone to their desired destination (in this case, success as an author). However, in reality, wishes alone do not lead to achievement; they must be accompanied by determined effort and concrete actions.

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