Saturday, July 8, 2017

Get Your Focus Right

Change Your Focus
There's a good chance that you accept your reasons and excuses only because you're focusing on the wrong thing. You're likely focusing on the process and not the result or reward that you really want.
What do I mean?
Let's say you wanted to clean up your home.
Instead of thinking about how nice it would be to have a clean home you start thinking about all the work that you have to do and you focus on the process - cleaning, mopping, dusting, sweeping, doing the windows, etc.

When you focus on the process, on those little steps that you have to take you'll talk yourself out of cleaning up because you were focusing on the process and not the result which is to have a clean, tidy home that you can be proud of.

If you want to get a new job and you're not doing anything about it - then you're probably thinking about the process of going through the papers, searching for other opportunities, going on interviews where you may get rejected, and you're not focusing on the result that you want - which is to get a better job so that you can improve the quality of your life.

When you focus on the process you'll come up with excuses for not doing what you really want to do.


Because the process is time consuming, it requires work, you have to put in the effort, and everybody wants things done immediately - we all want results right away.

But does a marathon athlete start off by running the Olympics?
Instead he or she trains sometimes for years before running in the Olympics.
Does a professional football player become a professional football  player without training and playing at least in high school?
Does a successful company generate millions of dollars in profits overnight?
They all go through a process, which to you may seem excruciating and time consuming because you're looking only at the process and not focused on the reward or the result.
By shifting your focus to the reward or the result you give your mind an objective and you continually give your subconscious mind the instruction of achieving that goal. You're constantly telling your subconscious mind that achieving that goal is important and you're telling it why it is important.

Your subconscious has no choice but to help you achieve that goal - mainly because you are regularly instructing it - by thinking of the rewards and the result.

Focus on what you want. Eliminate the excuses.
Change your reasons - by thinking of what you want and why.
Feed your mind new information, give it a new objective.
Learn to instruct and direct your subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals and stay motivated.

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Item Reviewed: Get Your Focus Right Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE