Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Ageless Secrets, by Chris D'Cruz

Review of The Ageless Secrets

As a self-help book, The Ageless Secrets fills a pretty small niche. Most other books give general guides on being, eating and living healthy, but D'Cruz instead provides specific information on living longer.

He begins by giving historical information on how people from ancient times have managed to live over a century, despite the poorer, less-sophisticated healthcare.

Surprisingly, the information he provides is factual and accurate – he isn't just spinning stories to prove his case. He goes on to unravel the mystery of how these people managed to achieve their longevity – typically due to a combination of diet, lifestyle and exercise.

He also delves into more esoteric and 'mystical' arts that originate from the ancient Chinese empire, and gives the readers a primer on how they can make use of these secrets for their own benefit.

The Ageless Secrets provides more specialized information on generally being healthier and feeling better, information that I have yet to find elsewhere. Several of the concepts and techniques presented in this book are unique and have not been replicated in other books. The information is also presented in a simple and concise manner and is very implemented into your daily routine.

Beyond the primary e-book, The Ageless Secrets program also consists of several smaller supplements on improving your energy levels (using the classic systems of yoga, chakra meditation and tai chi, amongst others), improving your body's self-healing capabilities and achieving the much sought after 'eternal youth'.

These other materials provide a very useful supplement to the main e-book, as it gives comprehensive details on how to maximize each exercise – for instance, it gives a step-by-step breakdown on how to do proper chakra meditation as well as explaining how the chakra system works.

The Ageless Secrets program promises much, but it also delivers just as much. Just from the initial exercises and dietary habits it suggests, I began to feel healthier, more energetic and alert – and only after a week.

The Ageless SecretsUnlike typical health manuals, The Ageless Secrets has more pronounced, immediate effect and it doesn't take too much effort to get into. A lot of the exercise and diet changes it suggest can be implemented in your life in a matter of days and is designed to fit into any schedule.

The benefits of improved health and increased energy will give you a fresh outlook at life completely revitalize you.

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Item Reviewed: The Ageless Secrets, by Chris D'Cruz Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE