Sunday, June 18, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy - 9

find  x   lose
coarse  x   fine
busy  x   idle
hit  x   miss
bless  x   curse
bashful  x   bold
rejoice  x   grieve
indolent  x   diligent
appear  x   vanish
Ingenuous  x   insincere
collect  x   disperse
Pedestrian  x   passenger
robust  x   feeble
heroic  x   base
praise  x   blame
condemn  x   exonerate
many  x   few
illegal  x   lawful
all  x   none
orthodox  x   heterodox
compel  x   persuade
lovely  x   repulsive
prudence  x   indiscreet
graceful  x   awkward
monotony  x   variety
order  x   chaos
lazy  x   industrious
prosperous  x   indigent
help  x   hinder
regularly  x   periodically
bow  x   stern
zeal  x   indifference
think  x   guess
egoistic  x   altruistic
sacred  x   profane
boisterous  x   quite
Agree  x   contradict
devious  x   straight
saint  x   sinner
abiding  x   fleeting
affinity  x   antipathy
hypocrisy  x   sincerity
fallacious  x   actual
jovial  x   morose
Flimsy  x   substantial
laconic  x   verbose
gradual  x   sudden
laxity  x   firmness
withhold  x   grant
malice  x   goodwill
hasty  x   leisurely
naive  x   sophisticated
pragmatic  x   idealistic
relative  x   absolute
yield  x   resist
vanity  x   modest
upright  x   dishonest

How to write well?

There are eight general rules for good writing. They apply whether you are writing a memo, a letter or a report.
1) Write with the reader in mind.
2) Decide what your purpose is.
3) Say exactly what you mean
4) Keep it as short as possible.
5) Make your point in the first paragraph.
6) Use a format that guides the reader.
7) write quickly : build your writing speed.
8) Arouse the readers interest. 

Change Your Glasses

If you don't like what you see in your life then simply change your glasses.
Change the way you see things - it's really that simple. For example: if you're out of work, in debt and think that life is going nowhere - stop looking at what is wrong in your life and look at what is going well.
In this case you would consider the fact that you are able to look for work; that you're still alive and that you're trying to find ways to get out of debt and get the right job.
Of course things haven't improved - but when you look at what the positive things you attract more good things to you.
When you look at what is wrong - you attract more negative things into your life. It's your choice.
It is not asking you to ignore what is real – it is simply suggesting that you take time to look at things a little differently and focus on some of the good things in your life.
 The minute you change your perception from looking at only the negative things to looking at some of the positive things in your life you start changing how you see things.
When you start creating a positive outlook on life you no longer dwell on what is wrong because you'll move into the next phase - which is to find solutions.
Automatically your mind and subconscious mind will begin search and attracting solutions for you -- but this only happens when you see the positive things that are going on in your life and when you look for the good in other people.
Here's a little exercise that you can do to test the power of perception.
The next time you think about what is wrong with your life make a note of how you are feeling and then stop. Change your perception by looking at all the good things that are going on in your life - then see how you feel.           
Which feeling do you prefer?       
If you feel that someone is particularly annoying make a note of all the qualities that you are looking at in them when you feel they are annoying. Then stop - and look at all the positive qualities that this person has - see if you're still annoyed at them.
The next time you go for a walk take a look around you and look a tall the wonderful things that are right in front of you – pay attention to them and then see how you feel.
Don't take these exercises lightly - they are very powerful and will help you attract more positive situations into your life.
some of you may have a number of challenges that you're facing - but once you change your perception - once you change the way you see the world you will begin to attract the situations, people and circumstances to help you accomplish your goals.
Focus on what you want. Instruct your subconscious mind to create the things you want in life.
Look for opportunities. Change the way you see things and you'll change your life.
You can attract positive situations into your life.
You can achieve your goals.
You can enjoy success, happiness and more.
Focus on the good things that you have in life and you'll attract more positive situations.
Believe that you can have what you want and you will.

Be a man of Value­  -  Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. He is considered successful in our days who gets more out of life than he puts in. but a man of value will give more than he receives  ----  Albert Einstein

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Item Reviewed: Learn, Relax and Enjoy - 9 Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE