Sunday, December 17, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy

Placement of word stress   

Stress on a two-syllable word – in the first syllable if the word is a noun, and second syllable if the word is a verb.
a)    That violent man may insult the guest (verb)
b)    That’s an insult (noun)
Eg. Of  noun –verb pairs
Produce         Produce
Record           Record
Convert          Convert
Present          Present
Stress on a three-syllable word – in the first syllable (A) or second syllable (B)
    A                                                         B
Instrument                                                     Commercial
Calendar                                                       Vanilla
Curious                                                          Develop
Sentiment                                                      Astonish
Document                                                     Opponent

In compound words, stress placement is very regular. The first word receives the major stress and the second one receives the minor stress. Airplane, Bedtime, Armchair, Backache, Bookstore, Classroom, Doorbell, Haircut, Hairstyle.
Adjective – noun phrases : The major stress falls on the noun and minor stress falls on the adjective.
a)That is a black board      
b)He works in a green house
c)I saw a black bird
Adjective – noun compounds : The major stress falls on the adjective.
a)That is a blackboard
b)He works in a greenhouse
c)I saw a blackbird

With suffixes, the placement of major stress shifts. This is called as ‘stress shift’
Photograph               Photography             Photographic
Possible                     Possibility                  Alcohol                      Alcoholic
Psychology               Psychological           Accuse                       Accusation
Able                            Ability                         Alphabet                    Alphabetical
Active                         Activity                       History                        Historical
Democrat                   Democratic                Communicate           Communication
Magnet                       Magnetic                    Invite                          Invitation

1) stewardess – Flight attendant
2)policeman – police officer or constable
3)mailman – Postman or postal worker
4)chairman – Chairperson or chair
5)spokesman – Spokesperson
6)anchorman – Anchor
7)poetess – poet
8)actress – actor
9)man, mankind – people, humanity, human beings, human kind, human species
10)manpower – Workforce, personnel, human resources, workers
11)wife or husband – Spouse
12)mothering – parenting,nurturing
13)foreman – supervisor, superintendent
14)salesmanship – selling ability
15)housewife – homemaker

1)What are the British English words for a subway? An underground, a tube or a metro
2)What vehicles are there in the subway? Trains
3)What do we call somebody who is eager to learn, to know, and to be informed? Curious
4)When somebody leaves by train or bus at 6:00, we say that 6:00 is his departure time. What do we call the time when the train or bus arrives? The arrival time
5)Which part of the body do sleeves cover? The arms

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Item Reviewed: Learn, Relax and Enjoy Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE