Thursday, December 7, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy

Q1 - I regret having invited them in the first place
The speaker was not regretful when she invited them, but is now
The speaker had to invite them and regretted it at the time
Q2 - I like skiing
The speaker is interested in trying the sport                   The speaker has already been skiing
Q3 - Just imagine being stuck in a tiny office with Tom all day
The speaker probably likes Tom               The speaker probably doesn't like Tom
Q4 - I'd love to meet her
The speaker enjoyed meeting her                        The speaker hasn't met her
Q5 - I'm sorry for letting you down, Steve
The speaker won't be able to keep an appointment     
The speaker wasn't able to keep an appointment
Q6 - I'm interested in finding out more about it
The speaker has already started looking for information
The speaker is probably going to start looking for information
Q7 - I tried writing to my local MP, but it was a waste of time
The speaker didn't finish the letter                                   The speaker sent the letter
Q8 - I was interested to hear the news about Chris
The speaker heard the news                                 The speaker wanted to hear the news but didn't
Q9 - I regret to say that the wedding has been called off
The speaker is breaking some bad news                        The bad news was already known to the listener
Q10 - A lot of people have stopped buying petrol at that garage
The garage has lots of customers at the moment
The garage doesn't have many customers any more
Q11 - I'm thinking of having a fortnight off
I've not made my mind up yet                                I've already made up my mind
Q12 - She's stopped to have a cigarette
She doesn't smoke any longer                  She smokes
Q13 - I saw her take it                                 
It probably took her a long time                 It probably didn't take her very long
Q14 - I heard them talking about it           
The speaker probably didn't hear everything     The speaker probably heard everything
Q15 - She tried to contact him on his mobile
She didn't manage to speak to him                      She managed to speak to him
Q16 - I remember telling her         
The speaker told her                       The speaker is going to tell her
Q17 - I tried speaking to her face-to-face to see if that would work
The speaker spoke to her               The speaker was unable to speak to her
Q18 - I forgot to send it
The speaker cannot remember whether they sent it or not      The speaker knows they didn't send it

Thought Experiment   
Poetical loop by Clark Aldrich : Aldrich Loops

Training is not important, learning is.
Learning is not important, doing the right thing is.
Doing the right thing is not important, having measured results is.
Having measured results is not important, having a positive ROI is.
Having a positive ROI is not important, meeting the needs of the budget holder is.
Meeting the needs of the budget holder is not important, increasing your next quarters' funding is.
Increasing next quarters' funding is not important, having revenue next quarter is.
Having revenue next quarter is not important, having profit next quarter is.
Having profit next quarter is not important, having the right people is.
Having the right people is not important, having the right experiences are.
Having the right experience is not important, having the right training is.

 This is a circular reasoning were it prevents people from black-and-white thinking. Based on this approach, an activity in which the first line (such as, “Money is not important, happiness is …”) and  teams have to construct additional lines to create a loop that ends with the opposite of where it began (such as, “X is not important, money is.”).

Here's a recent Aldrich Loop:
Training is not important, learning is
Learning is not important, performance is
Performance is not important, achievement is
Achievement is not important, happiness is
Happiness is not important, self-awareness is
Self-awareness is not important, continued learning is
Continued learning is not important, effective training is.
Try your hand at creating an Aldrich Loop.

A woman walks into a butcher's shop just before closing time on Christmas Eve and asks,
"Do you have any turkey left ?"
The butcher says, "Yes, Madam", opens his fridge, takes out his only turkey and puts it on the scales.
It weighs three kilograms.
The woman looks at the turkey and at the scales and asks, "Do you have one that's a bit bigger than this one, please?"
The butcher puts the turkey back into the fridge and then takes it out again, but this time when he puts it on the scales he keeps his thumb on the turkey. The scales now show four kilograms.
"That's wonderful," says the woman. "I'll take both of them, please."

I know a lad called Sid
A totally stupid kid
He gave his best hat
To a greedy cat
Now, Sid wears a dustbin lid.

The turbulent senses snatch away the mind of even a wise man – Gita
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Item Reviewed: Learn, Relax and Enjoy Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE