Friday, December 15, 2017

Test Your Knowledge

1)There are one hundred years in one ___.century
2)A period of one thousand years is called a ___.millennium
3)What swims in rivers, lakes and the sea and has fins and scales? a fish
4)What builds a nest, has feathers and wings and can fly? A bird
5)What has fur and whiskers and likes to catch mice? A cat
6)What makes a web, has eight legs and likes to catch flying insects? spider
7)What has a mane, a long tail and is fun to ride? horse
8)What has a very long neck and legs and dark patches on its body? giraffe
9)What has dark stripes all over its body and looks like a horse? Zebra
10)What is very large and has a very long trunk? elephant
11)What has a long neck, one or two humps on its back and is used in the desert? camel
12)What is long and legless with a forked tongue? snake
13)What has thick skin, is large and heavy and has one or two horns on its head? rhinoceros
14)What has long ears, a short fluffy tail and hops and jumps? Rabbit
15) Months of the year that begin on a Sunday always have five Sundays. What other notable feature do they contain? Friday the 13th.
16) What do these words have in common, and what does each word mean in that common context? They are collective nouns for living creatures:
·           string of ponies
·           ostentation of peacocks
·           smack of jellyfish
·           pitying of doves
·           crash of rhinosceroses
·           unkindness of ravens
·           murmuration of starlings
·           drove of cattle
·           pod of seals
·           murder of crows
·           knot of toads
·           colony of ants
·           grist of flies
·           brood of hens
·           shrewdness of apes
·           school of fish
·           siege of herons
17) What 15-letter word contains the letter 'E' five times and no other vowels? Defencelessness.
18) What word ends with an S in its plural masculine form, but changes to singular feminine when another S is added to the end? Princes/Princess.
19)The murder of someone, usually an important politician, president or ruler for political reasons is called ___assassination
20)The event which causes a huge loss of life especially due to burning is called a ___holocaust
21)If lots of people fight against a government or refuse to follow the existing authority, it's called a ___rebellion


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Item Reviewed: Test Your Knowledge Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE