Monday, December 4, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy

Turnover: the speed that a product comes in and goes out in a firm or number of laborers engaged by an establishment to replace those who have left   
Opt out: to make a decision to not to participate in a course of action           synonym: discontinue
Foresight: careful consideration of what's to come, knowing where the future lies.          
synonym: far-sightedness
Timing: co-ordinate an operation at just the right moment.
Wise: profound, to know what is true, having common sense
synonym: shrewd    
"get our feet wet": tentatively try something, not go all out but begin in a very small way.                the opposite is: throw caution to the wind

1.  For our investment club project,wouldn't it be ___________ to get our feet wet by using a fantasy or simulation stock market website or should we throw caution to the wind and play the N.Y.S.E. for real?
A. Turnover               B. Opt out                  C. Foresight              D. Timing                   E.  Wise
2. What's this problem with _____________, can't Rennie keep an employee for more than two weeks?
A. Turnover               B. Opt out                  C. Foresight              D. Timing                   E. Wise
3. ______________ is so important to the introduction of a new product: too soon and we're not prepared and we might not be able to meet demand, too late and we run the risk of a competitor launching a similar service or copycat device.
A. Turnover               B. Opt out                  C. Foresight              D. Timing                   E. Wise
4. Without a great deal of ___________ Sylvain would have never changed the focus of an already successful advertising campaign and thus would NOT have captured a 20% increase in market share.
A. Turnover               B. Opt out                  C. Foresight              D. Timing                   E. Wise
5. Olivier thinks that we should _________ of the acquisition of Mondon Ltd. What's your read on this?
A. Turnover               B. Opt out                  C. Foresight              D. Timing                   E. Wise

What do you think are the ten most important management skills or personality traits?

A Lesson in Life
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.

If someone hurts you, betrays you , or breaks you heart, forgive them. For they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to who you open your heart to.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them. 

Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you either.

You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.

Can, could  and (be) able to

A] We use can to say something is possible or allowed, or somebody has the ability to do something. We use can + infinitive (can do / can see etc.)
  • We can see the lake from our bedroom window.
  • ‘I haven’t got a pen,’ ‘you can use mine.’
  • Can you speak any foreign languages?
  • I can come and see you tomorrow if you like.
  • The word “play” can be a noun or a verb.
The negative is Can’t (=cannot):
I ‘m afraid I can’t come to the party on Friday.  

B] We can say that somebody is able to do something, but can is more usual:
            We are able to see the lake from our bedroom window.
But can has only two forms : can(present) and could (past). So sometimes it is necessary to use (be) able to. Compare:
I can’t sleep.
I haven’t been able to sleep.
Tom can come tomorrow.
Tom might be able to come tomorrow.
Maria can speak French, Spanish and English.
Applicants for the job must be able to speak two foreign languages.

C] Could
Sometimes could is the past of can. We use could especially with:
see     hear    smell  taste   feel     remember     understand
  • We had a lovely room in the hotel. We could see the lake.
  • As soon as I walked into the room, I could smell gas.
  • I was sitting at the back of the theatre and couldn’t hear very well
We also use could to say that somebody had the general ability or permission to do something:
            My grandfather could speak five languages
            We were totally free. We could do what we wanted (= we were allowed to do)

D] Could and was able to
We use could for general ability. But if you want to say that somebody did something in a specific situation, use was /were able to or managed to (not could):
            The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody was able to escape  / managed to escape. (not could not escape)
            We didn’t know where David was, but we managed to find /were able to find him in the end. (not could find)
Mike was an excellent tennis player when he was younger. He could beat anybody. (=he had the general ability to beat anybody)he managed to beat him in this particular  
but      Mike and Pete played tennis yesterday. Pete played very well, but Mike managed to beat him.
            (=he managed to beat him in this particular game)

The negative couldn’t(could not) is possible in all situations:
My grandfather couldn’t swim
We looked for David everywhere , but we couldn’t find him
Pete played well, but he couldn’t beat Mike.

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Item Reviewed: Learn, Relax and Enjoy Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE