Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy

A plane flying from London to Rome hit a thunderstorm and was bounced around by the turbulence (that's when the air outside the plane is not calm and so the plane shakes and moves).
A scared young woman turned to a priest who was sitting next to her and asked, "Father, you're
a man of God, can't you do something about this storm?"
The priest looked at her, smiled, and said, "Lady, I work in sales, not management."

1)___ is the father of wisdom.
 a. Diligence      b. Experience      c. Intelligence      d. Necessity
2) Months of the year that begin on a Sunday always have five Sundays. What other notable feature do they contain? Friday the 13th.
3) What do these words have in common, and what does each word mean in that common context? They are collective nouns for living creatures:
·           string of ponies
·           ostentation of peacocks
·           smack of jellyfish
·           pitying of doves
·           crash of rhinosceroses
·           unkindness of ravens
·           murmuration of starlings
·           drove of cattle
·           pod of seals
·           murder of crows
·           knot of toads
·           colony of ants
·           grist of flies
·           brood of hens
·           shrewdness of apes
·           school of fish
·           siege of herons

4)NASA received 3 messages in a strange language from a distant planet. The scientists  studied the messages and found that “Necor Buldon Slock” means “Danger Rocket Explosion” and “Edwan Mynor Necor “ means “Danger Spaceship Fire” and “Buldon Gimilzor Gondor” means “Bad Gas Explosion”. What does “Slock” mean?
a)danger        b)explosion   c)nothing       d)rocket        e)gas

1) We ..... a new television in March.        bought          have bought              had bought
2) I ..... since October.          am married   was married   have been married
3) It ..... yesterday evening.             rains     has been raining   rained
4) We ..... a new project.      started              have been starting           have started
5) This month we ..... a lot of money on chocolate.   * spent    * have spent       * have been spending

Three in One-Words are sometimes composed of other words. The word dustbin consists of dust plus bin, while together may appear to include three separate words: to, get and her. To reverse the process, which word can be made out of the letters in the three words moor, root, and tow? The answer (or at least, one answer) is tomorrow. In the puzzles below, try to find the eight-letter words which can be made from the letters of the sets of three words.
Example: Soon, sun, toil. - Answer: Solution.
1. Riot, rite, tone. - interior
2. Agent, gnat, stage. - stagnate
3. Filth, hot, tool. - foothill
4. Gone, nuts, rote. - sturgeon
5. Lids, new, rind. - swindler
6. Rim, sty, tins. - ministry
7. Lies, stone, tonsil. - insolent
8. Quit, tone, unit. - quotient
9. Emit, lime, stern. - minstrel
10. Ale, lake, link. – alkaline

de- to do the opposite, to take away from
decrease (verb): to grow smaller, to become less           de + cre + ase
di-, dif-, dis- apart, separate, two, opposite, not              
divide (verb): to separate into two or more parts             di + vide
differ (verb): to be unlike     dif + fer
dis- not, opposite of, exclude         distrust (verb): to have no confidence or trust    dis + trust

99 Words
Are you familiar with the “99 seconds” approach? It makes a complete and useful presentation in 99 seconds. We have a printed variant of this concept (called “99 Words”). The idea is to provide useful content using exactly 99 words—no more, no less. (The word count includes the heading.)
To write a 99 Words piece, limit the content. Write in a plain, conversational style. Begin with a fast draft, remove unnecessary words, and edit by deleting or adding words to bring it to the required length. We walk our talk. This piece is 99 words long!
Another Example
Training Games
Games feature goals, rules, and conflict. In addition, training games help participants achieve training goals.Nothing irritates participants like a mindless “fun” game that has no training value. Fun is not a necessary feature of games, especially training games. A training game need not be fun, but it should be engaging. Players should be totally immersed in the activity.Effective training games should be relevant to the players' real world jobs. If job relevance is not directly obvious, the game facilitator should bring it out during a debriefing discussion with participants after the play of the game.
Write a 99 Words piece on topic of your choice. It could be the definition of a concept, a step-by-step procedure, a report , a short story, a poem, or anything else.

While on holiday in Las Vegas a couple went to see a magic show. After one of the tricks the
woman shouted out, "How did you do that?"The magician replied, "I could tell you, madam,
but if I did then I would have to kill you."
The woman thought for a few seconds and then shouted back, "Okay, then tell my husband how you did it."

Chinese Whispers
Object To see how a phrase changes as it passes round a number of speakers.
Procedure The players sit in a circle, and the first player thinks of a phrase or sentence (a message, the title of a film or book, etc.) and whispers it into the ear of the next player. This second player whispers it to the third player and so on, round the circle. When it returns to the first player, that player announces what the phrase has become and how it started: the two versions are often wildly different.
Also called Chinese Gossip; Russian Gossip; Russian Scandal. Also called Broken Telegraph in Canada.
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Item Reviewed: Learn, Relax and Enjoy Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE