Thursday, October 12, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy

Invigilator                 One who watches over students taking an examination
Ironmonger              One who deals in Iron and hardware
Journalist                 One who writes for the newspaper
Jockey                      A professional rider who rides in a horse race
Janitor                       One who takes care of a building
Librarian                   One who looks after the books in a library
Lapidary/Lapidist    One who cuts precious stones
Lexicographer         One who compiles a dictionary
Mayor                        The head of a town council or corporation
Milliner                      One who makes and sells ladies hats

ev, et: time, age        Latin, aevum: lifetime   medieval (adjective): related to the Middle Ages (500 - 1500 AD)
fac, fact, fec, fic, fas, fea: make do, do     Latin, facere - make, do      difficult (noun): hard to do, troublesome
fer: bear, carry    Latin, ferre: bear, carry  infer (verb): to come to a conclusion from looking at facts, to guess
fict, feign, fain: shape, make, fashion      Latin, fingere: shape, make
fiction (noun): something produced from imagination, an invented story
fid: belief, faith          Latin, fidere: to trust            
confide (verb): to trust, to trust another person with a secret
fig: shape, form        Latin, figura: form, shape, figure               figurem (noun): shape, pattern, drawing
(verb) - decide, plan, decipher
flu, fluct, flux: flow   Latin, fluere: to flow                  fluid (adjective): capable of flowing, a smooth easy style
(noun) - a liquid       form: shape               Latin, forma: beauty, shape, form
format (noun): the shape and size of something          
fract, frag, frai: break            Latin, frangere: to break      frail (adjective): easily broken, not strong, weak

Discussion - ANIMALS
What is your favorite animal?                                                                                                  Have you ever had a pet?
What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?
Have you ever been to the zoo? What animals did you see there?
Have you ever been on a farm? What animals did you see there?
Do you ever bird watch?
What do you think of fur coats?
What do you think of animals being raised in captivity?
Do you know any endangered species?
Do you consider yourself an animal lover?  

1)The New York police were very anxious _____ about the crime.
 more learn     learn more    to more learn            ►to learn more
2)Many excited women could _____ at the department store sale.
 seen               ►be seen                be seeing                  be see
3)The sink in the locker room  tends to _____ .  flow     ►overflow    flow over       over flowing
4)How long did the baseball game _____? ► last         endure                      survive          continue
5) We must _____ the annual board meeting tomorrow.  ►attend     attend to        attend in       attending
6)The subway station is _____ here.  ►near                 near to                       near from      nearing
7)When we woke up, everywhere was _____ snow.
 covered          covered by    ►covered with         covering
8)Do earthquakes _____ often in North America?  break         break out      happen to     ► occur
9)We had better _____ before it begins to rain.  ►leave           leaving          to leave         to leaving

"The wheel of life moves on. It is overwhelmed by decrepitude and grief, and it has diseases and calamities for its progeny. That wheel relates in time and place. Day and night are the rotations of that wheel. It is characterised by production and destruction going on ceaselessly. When one’s time comes, one cannot escape. There is none dear or hateful to time. Youth, beauty, life, possessions, health and the companionship of friends, all are unstable."  -The Mahabharata, Santi Parva

1)I reckon we owe you about the same as you owe us. Why don't we just ___ ?   
a. call his bluff          b. called it a day       c. calls the shots   d. chicken   e. call it quits
2) We've been working on this for fourteen hours now. Isn't it time we ___ ?
a. called it a day   b. call it quits   c. calls the shots   d. chicken e. call his bluff
3)Let's face it, he decides. He's the boss so he's the one that ___ .
a. called it a day   b. calls the shots   c. call it quits   d. chicken   e. call his bluff
4) He says he will go elsewhere if we don't lower our price but I don't think he will. I think we should ___ . a. call his bluff         b. call it quits             c. called it a day      d. calls the shots      e. chicken
5)I'm sure that there is a lot of corruption in that country. If we order an internal audit we may be opening ___ .a. carry the can   b. chicken   c. can't win     d. chicken and egg   e. a can of worms

Man of The Match
Few things excite men as much as sports. It’s isn’t just a game, it becomes a passion, where the pursuit of a momentary victory exceeds the routine daily tasks. Anyone can play the game, but not anyone can win.The winning edge can often depend on one man who stands, while everything else falls apart. He overcomes pressure and his fears within to lift his team to victory and become the “Man of the Match”.

Joke : An elderly couple had memory problems and so went to see the doctor. After examining them boththe doctor said, "Well, the memory loss is caused by old age. One way to manage your memory
problems is to write down everything. That way you won't forget things."
The couple thanked him and returned home.
That evening while they were watching TV the woman asked her husband to bring her some
ice-cream from the kitchen.The man stood up and walked towards the kitchen. His wife said, "Hey, write it down like the doctor said."
He replied, "What? Write down ice-cream? I won't forget that." Then he went into the kitchen.
Ten minutes later he returned from the kitchen with a plate of fried eggs and toast.
The woman took one look at the plate and said, "I told you to write it down. Now you've made me
the wrong thing. I asked for a cheese sandwich!" 

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Item Reviewed: Learn, Relax and Enjoy Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE