Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Learn, Relax and Enjoy

Hamster: an animal like a large mouse, kept as a pet. Hamsters have large cheeks for storing food. 
An old lady had bought a new carpet and the carpet fitter was fitting it for her. Once he had fitted it
he went outside for a smoke, but he couldn't find his packet of cigarettes.
He looked in all his pockets and in his van, but he just couldn't find them. So, he went back into
the room where he had fitted the carpet to see if he had dropped the packet in there.
As he entered the room he noticed a small lump under the carpet in the middle of the room.
He decided to flatten the lump rather than undo all his work, so he took a hammer and banged
the lump until it was flat.
As he was putting his tools away the old lady walked into the room. She was holding a packet
of cigarettes. She said, "I found these in the hallway. You must have dropped them."
"Now, I just need to find my hamster."

unite (verb) to make one, to join together
The two small companies united and became one large business.
unison (noun): at the same time, at the same pitch
The two singers sang in unison.
vacant (adjective): empty, not occupied, free
The hotel has only one vacant room left.
vacuum (noun): empty space, isolation from outside influence
Some people seem to live in a vacuum and they have no knowledge of current events.
convene (verb): to assemble, to come together
The meeting convened at 2:00 p.m. and lasted until 5:00 p.m.
invent (verb): to create through thought or imagination
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and other devices.
prevent (verb): to act ahead of, to keep from happening
Lamont prevented a disastrous fire by calling the fire department the moment he smelled smoke.
verify (verb): to confirm that something is true
The police officer verified Arthur's identity by asking for his driver's license.
veracity (noun): truthfulness, accuracy
Daphne is known for her veracity and honesty.
verbalize (verb): to express in words, to put into words
Sometimes it is difficult to verbalize one's feelings.
verve (noun): enthusiasm
The cheerleaders showed verve and school spirit at the football game.
versatile (adjective): capable of changing or adapting, useful
When used correctly, a computer can be a versatile tool.
revert (verb): to go back, to return (to an original state)
The land slowly reverted to a wild state after it was abandoned.
video (noun): television or recorded movies
Patricia rented a video and watched it on her television.
review (verb): to look at again, to re-examine
Marsha reviewed for the test by re-reading her class notes.
visible (adjective): able to be seen
Sometimes the moon is visible during the day.
indivisible (adjective, noun): cannot be separated
The Pledge of Allegiance mentions that the United States is an indivisible nation.

1)Another word for quiet is ___ . a. excited      b. adventure      c. pale      d. calm      e. search
2)A story from the past is called a ___ . a. account      b. article      c. exciting      d. myth      e. ancient
3)On a clear night, the moon ___ so brightly that you can see your shadow.
a. pours      b. shines      c. excites      d. looks      e. seems
4)A box for keeping valuable things is called a ___ .
a. valuable      b. mommy      c. plenty      d. safe      e. sale
5)Most flowers ___ petals.      a. have      b. haves      c. has
6)Geologists ___ the structure of the Earth.  a. say      b. studies      c. study
7)Insects have six ___ .      a. arms      b. heads      c. legs
8)Darwin wrote a ___ about the evolution of the species .a. book      b. newspaper      c. sentence
9)Red cells, white cells and plasma are ___ in blood. a. find      b. found      c. founded
10)Flu, Measles and Mumps are infectious ___ . a. diseases      b. health      c. ill
11)Future queen bees eat ___ jelly. a. real      b. royal      c. strawberry
12)You can examine very small objects with a ___ . a. glass      b. microscope      c. telescope
13)Sir Alexander Fleming ___ penincillin . a. creator      b. discovered      c. inventing
14)You need a thermometer ___ measuring temperature. a. for  b. for to   c. to
15)The trachea ___ air from the throat to the bronchial tubes.  a. carrier      b. carries      c. carryes

A canner can can anything that he can, But a canner can't can a can, can he?
A proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee pot.
Alice asks for axes.
Bake big batches of bitter brown bread.
Come kick six sticks quick.
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Item Reviewed: Learn, Relax and Enjoy Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE